
This WordPress was done while taking the Studio Lab Class in my Master of Arts in Visual Communication program (MVC). Here I show the steps to follow during the Design Process. In this course, I was asked to find a product or Service which I could improve or solve a problem in our daily basis. After I did a research on possible topics, I decided to do the project on providing housing for the needs. So, in this website I show how I did everything from the beginning to end.

What Design Challenge/ Design Brief did you choose?

For this assignment I chose “The $300.00 House Challenge”. The $300 House Project, originally conceived by Vijay Govindarajan and Christian Sarkar, is an initiative to bring affordable Housing to the worlds poorest: a plight facing roughly two billion people.

Who is the target audience of this challenge?

The target audience for this challenge are cultures across the globe, ages 16-60, and low households. Facts about homeless people in the US according to ‘Exposing the truth, you decide’ blog:

“Over half a million people are homeless and a quarter of them are children. Tens of thousands of veterans are homeless. Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness in women. Many people are homeless because they cannot afford rent. There are fewer places for poor people to rent than before. In the last few years’ millions have lost their homes. The the government does not help as much as we think. One in five homeless people suffer from untreated severe mental illness. Cities are increasingly making homeless a crime”.

